Welcome to our blog about a unique Canada Pharmacy where you can shop online safe with free shipping and with 70% discount! Online Canadian Pharmacy … This is our first blog post, but rest assured many will follow with useful, interesting and unique content you will not find anywhere else. We were in a similar position as yourself years ago, frustrated and angry about the high drug prices which are only rising every year and we as a group took action and went hunting online for a trusted online pharmacy from Canada which has fair prices, superb customers service and if possible free shipping. On this blog we will tell about our venture and how we found that unique pearl of a Canadian Pharmacy which made our life so much easier, better and cheaper. Finally we could order cheap drugs from Canada and not even from CanadaDrugs , but from a different online pharmacy. So stay tuned as we regularly will post about several Canadian Pharmacies which we are thinking worth to look at or try.